Two years ago, when Back2Back Cancun started, Matt and Julie Cooper (B2B Cancun directors) were looking for someone to help clean the group house. The security guard recommended his cousin, Dalila. Since then Dalila has become a friend and an example to all of our staff. She is not a believer, yet, but gives glory to God for what is taking place in her life and we hope that she accepts Jesus as her savior soon!

Dalila is a widow and a mother of three. But more than that, this is a woman that had a great dream.

This is the story of her dream:

One day, a lady from one of the groups asked Dalila, “Dalila, what is your dream?” Dalila answered ” To have my own house” ( this conversation took place last December). “You don’t have a house?” the lady asked. “No, I rent a house and I don’t own any land to build my house on.” To this, the lady replied to Dalila: “You should pray and ask God to give you your dream.”

That day Dalila did what the lady told her to do. Not knowing what to expect, she asked God for her dream to come true.

One day, Dalila saw some land and she decided to ask for information. She just wanted to know if it was available. She left not only knowing that it was available but also knowing what she needed to do to get the land.
She applied for a loan and she got approved. She was able to buy the land and start construction on the basic foundation of what would someday be a home fore her and her children.

The next week Back2Back felt led to start partnering with her in the construction of her house. During this summer the groups that came to serve along side of us helped to make her dream a reality.

This week we finished her house and had a house warming-dedication party. Her face was priceless during the celebration.

When it was her turn to speak, the words could barely come out of her mouth. She was so thankful to God because He had heard her prayer and answered it. She is moving in on Friday!

Dalila is an example for my life, even after losing her husband and going through a tragedy, she never gave up. Most the kids from the children homes that we serve are there because it was easier for their parents to leave them then to fight for them, this could have been Dalila’s kids lives, but thanks to her perseverance, this family is still together.

Please keep Dalila’s family in your prayers. Pray that this will only be the beginning of a great relationship with God and that they will never forget that the giver of all good things is God.

And here is a video of the progression and completion of Dalila’s new dream home!

Meet Dalila

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