First a little update on the goings on here in Cancún. As you see in the picture above, we were able to send Mauricio and Lizy (fellow Back2Back staff members) and Tere Garcia (Back2Back Social Worker) to Mexico City at the end of July to do training with the sisters that run Casa Hogar San Jose.

The purpose of this two-day intensive training was to bring the caretakers of the home up to speed on current orphan care strategies and the dangers of not moving forward in how we care for these children at risk.

We have also been working on adjusting to life as a family of four and have also been busy training a new part time staff coordinator who is helping us at Casa Hogar San Jose while Anna is taking some time with the baby and I am continuing to step into and discover my new role in communications.

Along with everything else going on, we were asked to step into the role of Captains of a widow and her three children. 

We have written about Dalila and her kids before as she has been working for Back2Back for the last three years and we helped build her house. Also, Anna led her to the Lord last year! You can read about that here: Blog Post About Dalila

Dalila is an amazing example of perseverance. Even after losing her husband and walking through tragedy with three young children and no safety net, she refused to give up. 

Many of the kids from the children’s homes where Back2Back serves are there because it was easier for their parents to leave them there than to fight for them. This could have been Dalila’s children, but her family is still together because she remained positive and refused to give up on her family.

It is an honor to be able to be captains of this precious family and we are excited to see what God has in store for Leidy (14), Zuri (12), and Jose Luis (10).

To celebrate them entering our sponsorship program, we had them over this past Saturday for a pool party and lunch together. It was a great time!

And if you are interested, Dalila has two kids that need sponsors… Just email us if you are interested.
And on a final note, for our friends in the Cincinnati area, consider attending and inviting as many people as possible to Back2Back’s Orphan Sunday Event on November 3!
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