As we sat on another airplane on our way to Haiti yesterday morning, I was drawn back to the many hours I have spent on airplanes and in airports over the last two years, and just how different it felt. Obviously traveling with my wife is an improvement. Traveling with a baby is a challenge. But what is really different is the feel of it, knowing the difference between what I used to be traveling for and what I am traveling for now. Knowing that this is where I am supposed to be, this is what I am supposed to be doing. And, not just me, but Anna and Kai also!

Our time in Cancun was wonderful. We learned so much and were able to spend a lot of time with the Back2Back staff there learning from them and fellowshipping with them. There were several discussions about the future of their operation as well as Back2Back’s overall plans. We were also able to meet with the founders and directors of Back2Back, Todd and Beth Guckenberger. We spent two hours with them just discussing staff responsibilities as well as possible future locations for the new Back2Back start up in the caribbean.

After returning home, we were able to relax for a couple of days and spend some time with family before starting to get ready for our next little adventure. On Tuesday evening we flew from Chicago to Fort Lauderdale, FL. We had an overnight layover and caught a flight to Port au Prince first thing yesterday morning. It was certainly a long trip. But since arriving here, we have been thoroughly enjoying catching up with our dear friends Jared & Jalayne and the three precious girls here in their orphanage, Ciara, Genese, and Kiara!

Tomorrow evening I will be heading to Jesus in Haiti along with some other Back2Back staff to spend a week getting to know them and their organization better and to help assess whether now is a good time or not for Back2Back to put full time people on the ground here in Haiti alongside their current partnership with Jesus in Haiti. I will be spending the week with them and will return to the orphanage after Anna joins me for meetings on Thursday.

After this upcoming week, we are praying that the Lord will begin giving very clear direction on the path that He wants us on. Wherever it may be and whatever it may be doing, we are willing. But just because we are ready to know His plan does not mean that He is ready to show us. We still have much to do to prepare, but we will wait on Him in all things because we know that His timing is perfect and our shallow view of our own lives is a burden that we have to get past.

Please pray that God will show us His plans for Back2Back here in Haiti and for His plans for us.

Pray that the Lord will open our eyes and our hearts to the specific needs that He has prepared us to meet.

One Trip Ends, Another Begins

3 thoughts on “One Trip Ends, Another Begins

  • February 12, 2011 at 1:52 pm

    Estamos orando y creemos que DIos les mostrara el lugar, el tiempo y las formas, los amamos. we pray for you and we Know God show you the place, the time and las formas. we love you and miss you too.

  • February 14, 2011 at 7:38 pm

    wow, i just read this WHOLE blog. 🙂 i had no idea all that God has been doing in your lives in this past year, and i am SO excited for you guys! will be praying for your time in Haiti now, as well as future direction/vision. God is GOOD!


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