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Book #1 of 2023. Such a great, tactical guide for fathers. Read this if you have sons! #boydad #fatherhood #intentionalfather #intentional
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DDB, aka Daddy-Daughter Brunch is one of my favorite intentional things I do often with my girls. Raising women of virtue is not for weak men/ boys, it takes strength, grit and fierce determination and it’s worth it all. #girldad
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Book #3 of 2022 took awhile to finish but was worth it. As the wise Charles Spurgeon taught us: “Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”
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Backwardly Forward Looking

I know we are not the only ones to experience this. I know we probably aren’t even handling it as well as some others have. The idea of looking forward to what is next, preparing for it, planning (as best

Two days after I left my job in 2010, a missionary from Nepal was speaking at our church. He spoke on the passage in Genesis about Isaac settling in the land of his father, Abraham and digging wells. The first
A New Year

We wrote a family long recap letter and mailed it to many of our supporters around Christmas. We wanted to share a few things from that with you all. 🙂 As we bring our third year in Mexico to a
Restored, Redeemed and Rewarded

We remember the beginning, when we started visiting the kids from San Jose children’s home. We remember their excitement for meeting someone new. We remember their smiles and laughter. We remember hearing their stories and learning about their struggles. And
The Next Chapter

” Use me today Lord, show me where to go…” I began my day with this prayer, excited about the things that God would do that day. I had a meeting set up with Sonia that night. Sonia is a
Time Gone By

I know that many who read our blog, know us well enough that I don’t have to describe the way I grew up or how close our family is. I don’t have to go into detail about the summer days