As the Jr. High Youth leaders at our church, we have had a blast getting to know the FCC youth group and teaching them, challenging them, and watching them grow. Youth ministry is a tough, yet very rewarding calling. The past two years, we are very thankful that we have been able to serve in this area of ministry. We certainly have a better idea of what it is like for those who are in it full time and what we have learned will come in very handy in Mexico and Haiti working with orphans and youth group age kids there.
Here is a video of the end of Anna’s message to the youth last Friday night at the all-nighter lock-in.
She has a gift, and the Lord is already using her mightily. I cannot wait to see her in action on the mission field that God has called us to!
As the month of May starts, we are now set up on the Back2Back system and are able to receive donations noted for our account. We are in the process of getting all of our existing donors moved from donating to our Church, to Back2Back. Along with that we are starting our fundraising full time now.
As you learned in our last post, the miracle that God has planned for providing the funds to achieve the vision that He has given us has grown! It is exciting to look forward and anticipate how God will use you all to achieve His miracle and provision for us to care for the orphan child!
As we are getting the ball rolling in the next week or two, please do not hesitate to contact us ( if you would like to hear more specifics about what God has called us to do and vision He has laid on our hearts for the orphan child. We would love to get together with you and tell you our story, and how you can be a part of God’s plans. If not, you will most likely be hearing from us directly as we would like to meet with each and every person who is reading this to share with them personally how and why God has called us to this and how you can become a vital ministry member in serving the orphan child!