Happy New Year!

As we look back over the last year, it is amazing to see God’s footprints next to ours along the path that we did not expect to be traveling. This is the time of year to reflect, and I hope as you reflect over your past 12 months on this side of Heaven, that you are able to see our Savior’s footprints along yours as well.

As we look back at our journey through 2011, we see those footprints as so many prayers, notes, donations, messages… etc.

It is truly humbling to look back at a full year of so many friends, family, and even strangers that have joined with us in the vision of us and our organization, to break the cycle of generational poverty with the orphan child in Cancún, Mexico.

Even as we look back at how faithful God has been in bringing us to this point over the last year, we are even more excited about what He has planned for this next year!

We are picking up our Uhual trailer on Tuesday, January 3, packing on January 4, and leaving for our road trip to Miami on January 5. We then have 5 days to travel down to Miami where we will be unloading everything into the Freight company’s warehouse and delivering our car to the port for shipment and flying to Cancún on January 11.

We are so excited to begin this new year in Mexico and finally, after 16 months of preparing, beginning this new chapter of life.

Thank you so much to all of you who have partnered with us financially, through prayer, and by helping us with fundraisers and donations! We are so grateful to have you all joining with us as we go to work in Mexico and begin the huge learning curve we have ahead of us.

Happy New Year to all of you and we pray God’s blessings upon you and your families for 2012, that He may stretch you and bring challenges into your life throughout this next year that will push you to trust Him and love Him more!

In His Grace,

Andrew, Anna & Kai

Looking To 2012

One thought on “Looking To 2012

  • January 4, 2012 at 8:53 pm

    Praying you guys through these transitions and crazy days. Can’t believe the day is almost here !! love and hugs (and miles says to give kai a hug for him 🙂


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